So what lit the fire in me? Thanks to another autism mom on FB, she posted this blog entry from Regarding Caroline. After reading it I was in tears and instantly knew that I needed to do more to help my children. I read her blog from top to bottom and was inspired. Yes, Haiden is doing awesome and has come a long, long way but he still has some learning issues and difficulty getting his words out.
Yes, Ella had an evaluation and everything was "normal" but the girl is a hot, emotional mess, beyond the typical way a 5 year old girl should be.
Yes, we were so hopeful with our sweet Mason because he has been so healthy and was meeting milestones, until we realized his speech wasn't quite what is should be.
The same with Gavin, he was so healthy the first year of life but now he has a constant runny nose, sensory issues out the wazoo, and some very concerning speech issues.
So, all of that, has lead me to stop being okay with how things are and make them better. We are getting back on being strict with diet (we let things slip, a lot) and adding in some new supplements. Haiden will take Super Nu Thera, vitamin D, vitamin C, B complex, Pro Bio Gold, cod liver oil, Goldenseal, Grapeseed extract, adrenal fatigue extract, and DMG. Ella will take the same except Goldenseal. Mason and Gavin will take Hero Nutritional multivitamin (still looking for a better multi for them), cod liver oil, and Pro Bio Gold. There are some other supplements I want to add but I am taking baby steps. I also know chelation needs to be in our future but that freaks me.
I want this blog to be my little place in the world to document our journey, share information, and inspire others. I hope other parents will join me! :-)