Have I mentioned how much I love this website, http://playathomemom3.blogspot.com/?! Not only are these women mothers but some have experience in the educational field with children with special needs. They know the importance of sensory play for all children and incorporate into their children's daily life. The mom's have these wonderful light tables that provide endless opportunities for sensory play and exploration. I have found these online from about $50-$200 and since that isn't in the budget right, now we made our own.
I took a storage container, put a piece of white paper in the bottom, and stuffed it with Christmas lights. Next to the light box, I have translucent shapes from my teaching days. I set this up before the kids woke up in the morning.
Ella, "Wow, that is cool. What is that Mommy? Can I play with it?" I told her it was a light table and she could do whatever she wanted with it. She immediately took out the shapes and said, "I'm going to make a house." She then spent a lot of time sorting the shapes by colors and talked about what they different shapes were. She put different colors on top of each other to see what the new color was. She thought it was pretty cool that two different colors could make a new color.
Once Mason was awake he went straight to the light table too and started exploring with the shapes. We talked about the different colors and shapes. Haiden wasn't as interested until we made "Gooey Bags" this week and put them on the light table. (I'll share that in a future post.)
How FUN!!!!